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国家重点实验室讲座:Mechanistic insights into how plants produce cellulose
【发布日期: 2019-05-15】 【来源:国家重点实验室 】 【作者:】 【编辑:】 【点击量:

报告人:Staffan Persson (澳大利亚 墨尔本大学 教授)




Staffan Persson,2003获瑞典隆德大学和美国北卡罗来纳大学联合培养博士学位;2004-2007年,斯坦福大学卡内基研究所博士后训练;2008-2014年,德国马普学会植物分子生理研究所独立PI;2015年至今,澳大利亚墨尔本大学植物细胞生物学系系主任、教授;Molecular Plant副主编,Front.Plant Sci.编委,Faculty 1000会员;主要从事植物细胞壁合成的调控机理研究,在Cell、Science、Nature Plant等国际顶级期刊发表论文100余篇,近3年连续入选植物与动物科学领域“全球高引用科学家”。

Staffan Persson completed his PhD in Dec,2003,which was a joint degree between Lund University(Sweden)and North Carolina State University(US).He then pursued a postdoc at the Carnegie Institution of Washington at Stanford University 2004-2007.Staffan was appointed as a Max-Planck Group Leader at the MPI for Molecular Plant Physiology in Potsdam in 2008,where he stayed until 2014.Since Jan 2015 Staffan is a R@MAP Professor and an ARC Future Fellow(level 3)at the School of BioSciences at University of Melbourne.He is a Thomson Reuter/Web of Science highly cited researcher 2016,2017and 2018.The research in his group aims at understanding how plants are producing cellulose,which is the most abundant biopolymer on Earth and that is a raw material for many applications in our society.




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