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Plant Physiology主编学术报告
【发布日期: 2018-11-02】 【来源:省部共建亚热带森林培育国家重点实验室 】 【作者:宋瑞生】 【编辑:】 【点击量:

报告题目:Rethinking the mechanisms of stomatal response to temperature, drought and VPD

报告人:Michael Blatt (PlantPhysiology主编/Editor in Chief )

报告时间:11月8日上午 10:00-11:00



Michael Blatt教授在美国威斯康辛麦迪逊大学和斯坦福大学分别获得学士与博士学位,曾先后在耶鲁大学、剑桥大学、伦敦大学和帝国理工大学工作。2001年起担任格拉斯哥大学皇家钦定植物学教授。Blatt教授是世界著名的植物电生理学家,长期从事在植物离子通道调节、细胞信号传导、气孔生理以及膜转运等方面的研究工作,在Nature、Science、Nature Plants、PNAS、Plant Cell、Plant Physiology等著名学术期刊发表论文100余篇,并担任英国BBSRC、美国NASA以及瑞典科学理事会的专家顾问。

《Plant Physiology》创刊于1926年,是美国ASPB的旗舰学术期刊之一。其发表内容涵盖了生理学、生物化学、细胞和分子生物学、遗传学、生物物理学和环境生物学等全部植物学研究领域。现任主编为英国皇家爱丁堡科学院院士、皇家生物学会、格拉斯哥大学Michael Blatt教授。

Mike was educated in the USA and Canada, obtaining a dualBSc with honours from the University of Wisconsin – Madison and his Ph.D. fromStanford University where he studied with Winslow Briggs. He was aFullbright-Hays Graduate Fellow in Germany, a Fellow of the CarnegieInstitution of Washington, and held a Postdoctoral Fellowship at YaleUniversity Medical School with a National Research Service Award before movingto the University of Cambridge, UK on a NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship. Mike was a Lecturer, Reader, and held a Personal Chair at the University of London, Wye College and Imperial College, London. He took up the Regius Chair of Botany at Glasgow University in 2001 by Royal Warrant, where he heads the Plant Science Group of nine academic colleagues and some 50 postdoctoral and postgraduateresearchers and technicians. He is a fellow of the John Simon GuggenheimFoundation (USA), the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Royal Society of Biology(London), and the James Hutton Institute. He has held a number of advisoryroles and serves within the UK and internationally, including as a foundingmember of the BBSRC panel of experts, external assessor for the Chilean ScienceFoundation, NASA (USA), and the Swedish Science Directorate. He is theEditor-in-Chief of the most highly-cited international journal in thefield,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY.




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