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【学术校庆】学术报告: Achieving CSforALL through the Beauty and Joy of Computing (BJC)
【发布日期: 2018-07-20】 【来源:信息工程学院 】 【作者:郑钢】 【编辑:周彦兵】 【点击量:

报告题目:AchievingCSforALL through the Beauty and Joy of Computing (BJC)

报告人:加州大学伯克利分校 Dan Garcia教授

报告时间:7月26日下午15:30 - 16:45


报告摘要:At a time when computing is so much a part of all of our lives, hasincredible job opportunities, and is so empowering, most students graduate highschool without having had any introduction to computer science. A decade ago inthe United States, the CSforALL movement was launched to broaden participation in computing to thosetraditionally underrepresented. This talk will reflect on the current state ofthat initiative, and introduce the "Beauty and Joy of Computing(BJC)" course, which has received worldwide attention and currently has65% female enrollment at UC Berkeley, among the highest in the nation.

报告人简介: Dan Garcia is a TeachingProfessor in the EECS Department at the University of California, Berkeley. Hehas served on the ACM Education Board, the Computer Science PrinciplesDevelopment Committee, is a member of the CSforALL consortium, and was chosenas an ACM Distinguished Educator in 2012. He has won all four of thedepartment's teaching awards, and holds the record for the highest teachingeffectiveness ratings (6.7/7) in the history of the department's introductorycourses.




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