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  • 校内新闻热线:9291819

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【发布日期: 2017-03-01】 【来源:理学院 】 【作者:】 【编辑:王莉波】 【点击量:

讲座人:香港大学 冯荣锦(Wing Kam Fung)教授 博士生导师

题目Powerful Tests for Genomic Imprinting Effects for Qualitative and Quantitative Traits on the X Chromosome




Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic phenomenon that the expression of an allele copy depends on its parental origin. This mechanism has been found to play an important role in many diseases. Methods for detecting imprinting effects have been developed primarily for autosomal markers. However, no method is available in the literature to test for imprinting effects on the X chromosome. Therefore, it is necessary to suggest methods for detecting such imprinting effects. In this talk, the parental-asymmetry test on X the chromosome (XPAT) is first developed to test for imprinting for qualitative traits in the presence of association, based on family trios each with both parents and their affected daughter. Then, we propose 1-XPAT to tackle parent-daughter pairs, each with one parent and his/her affected daughter. By simultaneously considering family trios and parent-daughter pairs, C-XPAT is constructed to test for imprinting. Further, we generalize the proposed methods to accommodate complete (with both parents) and incomplete (with one parent) nuclear families having multiple daughters of which at least one is affected. The proposed methods are extended to investigate quantitative trait loci having imprinting effects. Simulations are conducted to assess the performance of the proposed methods under different settings. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed methods control the size well, irrespective of the inbreeding coefficient in females being zero or nonzero. For practical use, the proposed methods are applied to analyze the rheumatoid arthritis data.


冯荣锦(Wing Kam Fung),男,香港大学讲席教授、统计及精算学系博士生导师,国际统计计算协会(IASC)现任主席,国际著名期刊《Computational Statistics & Data Analysis》主编,资深遗传统计学家。研究领域涉及统计诊断、纵向数据分析、DNA分析、法医统计和遗传流行病学等多个领域。在国际学术期刊公开发表170余篇,2008年在英国Wiley出版专著《Statistical DNA Forensics: Theory, Methods and Computation》。获得中国自然科学基金海外杰出青年基金(遗传证据因果分析研究)、香港大学杰出研究员、杰出校友等多项学术奖励,也是美国科学促进协会(AAAS)、国际数理统计学会(IMS)、美国统计协会(ASA)等的会士(Elected Fellow)。




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